“Bob Dylan Pushed Me Way Out of My Comfort Zone”: T Bone Burnett, the Mysterious 13X Grammy Winning Producer and Soundtrack Wizard
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T Bone Burnett is one of the most accomplished music producers of the past 50 years. He sits down with Guy to talk about buying a recording studio at age 17; being pushed out of his creative comfort zone by Bob Dylan on the Rolling Thunder Revue tour; building soundtracks for the Coen Brothers and True Detective; and why, at age 76, he’s the happiest and most creative he’s ever been.
T Bone’s new album, The Other Side, is available here: https://shop.tboneburnett.com/
Links from the Show
01. Rolling Thunder Revue documentary on Netflix
02. True Detective Season 1 soundtrack
03. Big Lebowski soundtrack
04. Inside Llewyn Davis soundtrack
05. George Clooney performing I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow in O Brother Where Art Thou?
06. Los Lobos: How Will the Wolf Survive? Album
07. T Bone’s Instagram